Grand Baltic Explorer
- Return flights
- 9 nights in 4-star hotels
- 13 meals: 9 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners
Mon- Fri: 0900-1800 Saturday: 0900 - 1700 Sun & BH: Closed
Mon- Fri: 0900-1800 Saturday: 0900 - 1700 Sun & BH: Closed
At Travelsphere, we are committed to operating our business operations responsibly, with integrity and always act ethically in all our business dealings and relationships. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not take place in our own business or in any of our supply chains.
We’ve specialised in providing escorted tours across the globe for over 60 years, and we still love to share our passion with like-minded people. All of our award-winning tour itineraries have been carefully crafted so our customers can take in a destination’s most iconic sights, its famous traditions, culture and cuisine, while still discovering its hidden treasures.
We have always believed in taking care of the communities we visit, and have taken the time to really get to know the local people and understand the challenges they face. That’s why a few years ago we set up our Cares programmes, our way of giving something back to the places we love. Some of our holidays even give our Customers the chance to see how the money they raise from their trips has been spent and meet some of the people who have benefitted.
Travelsphere is part of the G Touring group who employs over 80 permanent Team Members based in Market Harborough in Leicestershire. We are experts in escorted tours and we contract with many Holiday Directors operating in 50 countries across the globe.
As a business our teams purchase many products such as hotel rooms, flight seats, rail tickets, meals, cruises (cabins and full charters) and coach services, some of these we contract directly ourselves, some we contract with a destination agent who can provide the service in totality within their area.
Our Anti-slavery and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy and our Whistleblowing Policy are communicated throughout our company to all current Team Members via our internal websites. We also ensure that all new starters are made aware of these Policies and understand the impact of them when they join our business. There have been no whistle blowing reports relating to Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking since the Act became live in 2015. In 2019 we are looking to roll out the Whistleblowing process to our Holiday Directors too.
We work very closely with our Suppliers building up strong relationships and many of these relationships are very well developed over many years. We continue to maintain high standards with our suppliers in all areas and carry out audits to ensure compliance.
Since 2015 we have communicated our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policies to our suppliers and incorporated the specific clauses into our contracts to ensure they are clear of their obligations.
We continue to strongly encourage hotel suppliers to apply for membership with the independent sustainability audit programme, “Travelife”, and to continue to work towards obtaining Gold certification which demonstrates compliance with international standards on human rights.
As we operate in so many countries some of the countries in which we operate are classed as high risk. We have carried out a high-level risk assessment and this year we will be prioritising our focus to be checking compliance within those high-risk countries.
We employ an independent company to carry out our audits for us currently and we will be supplementing this with additional audits carried out by G Touring Team Members.
This statement covers 1st August 2018 – date and has been approved by the Executive Team for G Touring Ltd.
Adam Kemp
Managing Director
G Touring Ltd.